Sister. Margarth Banyenza
The Director of St.Mariagoreth Organization from 2017 to date. She is a retired registered Nurse
graduated in 1979 at Bugando Intergrated school of Nursing at present known as CUHAS; She holds a
certificate in Hospital Administration at Nyegezi Social Training Institue, present St. Augustine
University of Tanzania. She also attained a certificate in Global Women Empowerment and Human
Rights special gender based at Gonzaga University in Unites States of America. in the same university
she also attained a certificate in Project Planning ad proposal writing.
She has great interest in women protection and social justice, fighting against women tracking, sexual
abuse and all other related issues. She likes the young to live a happy life full of confidence. |
Sister Rosemary Henry
The Accountant of St. Mariagoreth Organisation from 2017 to date. She holds a Diploma in Accountancy attained from Gonzaga University in USA in 2002. |
Sister Suzana P. Misoji.
She is an Executive secretary of St.Maria Goreth Org, also a head of a carpentry school of St.Maria Goreth Org. She is a holder of bachelor Degree of Arts in Business Management and computing Information Technology from Alveno College in Milwaukee Wisconisia in USA-2011. |
1. Sister Monica Birusya
She teaches beginning sewing where students learn to sew by hand everything they will later sew by machine. She attended Kabanga Vocation Training Center achieving Level 2 in 1979. She loves to teach the orphans because she feels she is helping the needy who don’t have people to support them. She is grateful for those who are helping St. Maria Goertti organization to continue with the mission of helping the orphans. |
2. Verena Costantine
She teaches the second and third year students. She attended Tailoring Kagonda Vocational Training Center, achieving Level 1 and graduating in 2011. She feels good about helping the orphans have a chance to learn more. She is grateful for the project and for everything they are doing in order rescue the lives of the orphans. |
3. Johaiven Michael
He teaches the second and third year students. He received his education at Talioring Kagonda Kolpling Vocational Technical Center, graduating in 2010. He likes the orphans to have knowledge like he has so they can earn a living, being employable or self-employed so that they can assist their guardians as he has helped his mother. At times he finds it difficult to understand the mindset of an orphan. |
4. Jesca Jackson
She is a practical tailoring teacher at our centre in Bukoba Town, She also teaches our students how to care customers in tailoring activities. |
1. Adolph Trazias
He is a carpentry teacher; He is responsible with the Year II Carpentry students. He teaches both Theory and practical. He fells well to teach and help the orphans acquire the skills. He likes everyone to understand.
He is a graduate of the St. Mariagoreth organization in 2008. |
2. Raymond Donatus |
He is a Carpentry Teacher and Driver of the organization. |
3. Speratus Gostodes
He is carpentry assistant teacher, He got good performamnce in carpentry school at St.Mariagoreth Org and the maanagement devided to take care of him that he can help his fellow youngs. He graduated in 2018 in carpentry schol at St. MariaGoreth Org. |
4. Ansbert Willium
Is a carpentry teacher, he loves teaching both theory and practiced to his students. He graduated from Vocation training centre at Kagera centre, where he was awarded Level II Certificate in carpentry and Levle III in the same field was awarded at Kagera VTC - Moshi Kilimanjaro. |
Mr.Reginald Kameya
He is an IT personnel and teacher at computer school (Computer Lab), He performs teaching computer applications of our children and the community around our compound, they are enjoying with him the knowledge of Computer technology. He is a holder of Advanced Diploma in Computer Science from the Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA) |
1. Ms Angella Johaness
She is a cook for students and staff. |
2. Ms Hildergard
She is a matron at our Ave Maria Shop and hostel in Bukoba town. |
3. Theophil Kaganda
He is Watchman at Carpentry school. |